Spring is just around the corner

Swallow at Sunset

Over the past few afternoons and evenings it has felt like Spring has almost arrived. The Spring flowers are beginning to appear, the bats and Swallows are out in the evenings and locals and tourists alike are enjoying the sunset strolls.

A few of you will have spotted I didn’t mention mornings in my opening sentence. That’s because they have been rather grey and damp, but who cares if by the afternoon it looks and feels like Spring!

A January day in Marim

If you have not already discovered Portugal in mid winter then perhaps now is the time to try! In the meanwhile I hope you have enjoyed a few of my photographs from the past three days collated especially for Cate’s Six Word Saturday.

Author: BeckyB

It had been a good life walking, cooking, photographing, volunteering, blogging, and best of all spending time with MrB, family, & friends. Sadly it is no longer what it was, as suddenly and unexpectedly I became a widow.

19 thoughts

  1. My roses are out , blooming fully as if it were already April 😉
    And do you know our saying “Março Marçagão manhã de Inverno tarde de Verão” ? March March…. winter in the morning and summer in the afternoon – very liberal translation ??
    It feels like March even “up here” in Lisbon , already
    Lovely pictures , as always 🙂

    1. No I hadn’t heard of that saying. It’s perfect for the days we’ve been having here 😊
      Planning a weekend in Lisbon in March so hoping it definitely feels like spring then.

  2. Lots of cold and snow here in Ottawa. Thank you for the wonderful pictures which make us count the days until our return.

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