What are you doing there, cat?

I rather like my title; perfect for this week’s Six Word Saturday, borrowed from Alexandre O’Neill’s ‘Gato‘ and a question I’ve asked numerous times of a cat. In the case of the one in my header photograph I could see what she was doing on the chair, but I was curious as to why she had elected to chose a chair right at the end of the pier! Unfortunately at the time not only was she the opposite side of the harbour to me but I didn’t know how to ask her in Portuguese. Thanks to Alexandre’s lovely cat poem I now know exactly what to ask of her and all the others I have met ‘Que fazes por aqui, ó gato? Que ambiguidade vens explorar?

My favourite line though is his final line, as it is one I have pondered even more over the years ‘quem somos nós, teus donos ou teus servos?‘ – who are we, your owners or your slaves?

Author: BeckyB

It had been a good life walking, cooking, photographing, volunteering, blogging, and best of all spending time with MrB, family, & friends. Sadly it is no longer what it was, as suddenly and unexpectedly I became a widow.

30 thoughts

  1. Slaves, definitely slaves. “Dogs have owners; cats have staff” as the saying goes. Ours were always very disapproving when we did something without permission 😉
    Some beautiful cats there.

  2. Fabulous cats. I was always a dog person, but became a cat person when I realised I didn’t have the time to walk the dog. Cats are such independent creatures, though I do wish the neighbour’s cats wouldn’t use my garden as their toilet!

    1. Little sticks in ground for freshly dug soil and water spray for rest of time is trick to stop them. Mine rarely go now in my own garden!!!

  3. Thank you for introducing me to the poetry of Alexandre O’Neill. I had never heard of him, but reading the poem ‘Gato’ in your blog has made me want to find out more about him.

    1. Fabulous . . . . . . his poem is just wonderful isn’t it, and the translation is excellent. Hope you enjoy his other works.

  4. What a lovely cat poem and makes me think I should now learn some basic Portuguese.

    1. It is wonderful isn’t it . . . . I keep telling myself I need to learn Portuguese but after 5yrs I am still just getting by on the minimum.

  5. Oh, I think that last is an easy question, Becky. 🙂 🙂 Wishing you a joyful weekend! What are you up to- Christmas fair, making puddings? We have a lovely crispy frost here and I’m almost looking forward to tiptoeing across the park to t’ai chi.

    1. You are right about that last, but I do like to delude myself into thinking I am the owner!!

      Have fun in the park, I am off to Somerset to collect my Mum, she has a lunch date in Winchester on Monday!

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