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Unexpected hiccups in Portugal

As regular readers know I am currently back in England have fun helping to organise Winchester’s Heritage Open Days. Not only is this a fabulous festival but it is taking my mind off the fact how much I am missing Portuguese sunshine, food and the walks! However there is also a downside I am so busy with everything that I am struggling to find the time to write the many posts I have planned for you this month. Fortunately however Catarina of the lovely A Portuguese Affair blog has kindly agreed to me sharing a link to some very helpful tips she wrote a few weeks ago. As Catarina says;

Hopefully these tips will make any unexpected hiccups on your trip a little easier to bear. Remember, in an unforeseen situation, it’s better to be prepared so you don’t have to research where to go, who to call, or what to do in the event that something does happen.

Her post I think is essential reading if you are planning a trip to Portugal as it covers what you should do if:

To find out what you should do if any the above arise visit The Portuguese Affair, but before you go to visit Catarina why not make a note of the number 112.

112 is the emergency number and it is the same throughout Europe including the UK. It is free to call and the operator will put you in contact with the emergency service that you require including medical, fire and police. It can be used for any life-threatening situation, serious medical problems and any type of fire.

PS And for those irritating and unexpected hiccups, try drinking a glass of water upside down! This is easier than it sounds, simply press the far side of the glass against the inside of your upper lip. Now bend over forwards and drink the water from the far side of the rim of your glass.

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