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You arrive in a place you know well

A year ago today, and about this time, we had just arrived back in Olhão da Restauração for our 2016/17 winter sojourn. Too early to access our apartment we decided to enjoy a short stroll. Being our fifth or possibly sixth visit I hesitated about finding and taking the camera with me. However I nearly always regret it if it isn’t in the bag or over my shoulder, so I found it and this is what I took.

Unsurprisingly the vast majority of photographs were of birds, however as we walked back to the apartment I couldn’t resist this above my head.

Just look at that beautiful blue sky, I can’t wait to return to it for our 2018 winter sojoun. My final photograph also has lots of blue but it is a very different shot. It was the first I took that day. An unusual first shot to take I know but I needed it for the following month’s past meets present.  I kept it as I thought it might be a useful historical photograph to keep. All to often the photographs and postcards we retain are the glorious vistas, interesting buildings, family celebrations and brilliant close-ups. However in a hundred years time it will probably be the rare photographs of the average street scene that historians will be hunched over for traces of our past. They are certainly the ones I find most useful for my past meets present challenge. Talking of which I must put my thinking cap on for what I am going to share next month. Do hope you will join me next month or even better why not share traces of your past with Paula this month.

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